Inspire - Empower - Achieve


Independent School District


Strategic planning is a process that empowers stakeholders, such as parents, students, district employees, city officials, business partners, and clergy, to collaboratively shape the future of their school district. Through this process, the district and community become partners in creating a five-year plan.  This shared sense of ownership enables districts to overcome obstacles and discover new possibilities for students.  All school districts reach a point where they must reinvigorate their practices and create new systems, or face decline. The strategic planning process galvanizes the community around a common purpose, bringing new life to the district.

Florence I.S.D. Vision

Florence I.S.D. inspires excellence

and empowers each student

to achieve their highest potential.

Florence I.S.D. Mission

Florence I.S.D. is a collaborative partnership of

dedicated students, staff, families, and community members.

We provide a safe, engaging learning environment with equitable support, high expectations, and diversified instruction. We build a strong foundation for life-long learning,

 preparing all students for a successful future.

Florence  I.S.D. Community Beliefs