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Federal Programs


Title 1 is a federally funded program that was reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act. The law amends the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA), and replaces the No Child Left Behind Act. The act contains four basic principles: stronger accountability for results; increased flexibility and local control; more choices for parents and students; and an emphasis on research-based instructional strategies. Title 1 supports state and local school reform efforts by offering improved teaching and learning opportunities to help low-achieving students meet our state's challenging academic content and performance standards.

Individual public schools with elevated low socio-economic rates may use Title 1 funds to operate a school-wide program that upgrades the instructional program for the whole school.  School-wide programs are based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement. Title 1 offers a variety of services for participating schools, which may include: additional teachers and support staff, extra time for instruction, a variety of teaching methods and materials, smaller classes, and additional training and professional development for staff.

Title 1 Components

School-wide programs must address the following ten components:

               1.        Comprehensive needs assessment

               2.        School-wide reform strategies, including those that:

--Strengthen the core academic program

--Increase the amount and quality of learning time (extended year, before and after-school, provide enriched and accelerated curriculum)

--Strategies for meeting the needs of underserved populations

--Address the needs of all, but particularly low-achieving students

               3.        Instruction by state-certified teachers

               4.        On-going professional development

               5.        Strategies to attract state-certified teachers

               6.        Family and Community Involvement 

               7.        Transition strategies (from early childhood programs to elementary school to middle school)

               8.        Inclusion of teachers in assessment decisions

               9.        Timely, effective, additional assistance for students experiencing difficulties

            10.        Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services

Title 1 Campuses

Florence Elementary School

Florence Middle School

For more information, please contact your campus principal, or Rachael Hull, Director of Federal Programs, at 254-793-2850 ext. 2238.


Family Engagement Policies